Badsey and Aldington Allotment Gardens were created in 2020 as a major part of the Pear Tree Fields project and are located on the Willersey Road at Pear Tree Corner. The entrance gate is on the right before you reach the bend at Pear Tree Corner.
The site contains 30 allotment garden plots in three rows of 10. There are made-up paths for access and grassed pathways between plots in each row. We have large compost bays as part of our sustainability scheme for the whole Pear Tree Fields site. Water is available using dip-in tanks spaced throughout the site and there is a large car parking area, which is also used by other visitors to Pear Tree Fields.
The plot holders are a keen and friendly group of growers including families with young children who grow a variety of vegetables, fruit and flowers.
The plots are all taken at this date (March 2023) but there are always some that become available due to house moves or other reasons, so if you are interested in having a go please contact the Parish Clerk to let her know.
The current charge for the licence is £50 deposit which is returned when you leave and your plot is left tidy, and an annual charge of £52.