
The Parish Council runs itself or is involved in various village events during the year.

This section of our site is still under development.  Please scroll down.

Easter Event for all the family

We like to arrange a treasure-hunt format quiz around the village with a great prize!  Competition can be fierce, but it’s all great fun! Sadly, no event in 2020, but keep an eye on the Noticeboard for details of the 2021 event.

Computer Club

We are fortunate to have among our Councillors people with wide-ranging skills.  One of these is a knowledge of IT and computers, and some time ago we embarked on setting up a “club” to assist anyone who might need help with their devices or their software.  We believed that the facility might run for three months or so before interest in the community lessened, if only temporarily.  We have now been going for two years and there is no sign of numbers falling!

Meetings are held from 10.30 a.m. until 12.30 p.m. every other Friday at the Wheatsheaf.  Please refer to the Newsletter for details, or contact the Clerk.  All are welcome, and there is almost certainly some help available for your particular issue.  Why not come along and see?

Badsey Soapbox Derby

In early 2016, two friends nattering in “The Wheatsheaf” thought, ‘We should build karts and have a race’. From then it became an obsession.
Soon one of those friends took the idea to the Parish Council. Some were sceptical, but it was adopted as an event nonetheless.
No-one realised how much needed to be sorted out: road closure, safety of the drivers and spectators, …..

Flower Show Competition

The Council awards a trophy at the Annual Badsey Flower Show.  Many Councillors are involved in the running of the show, and we always have a presence at the show.  Come and talk to us!