The Parish Council's role in Planning
Please SCROLL DOWN to see the document which explains how YOU can see planning applications and comment on them!
The Parish Council is NOT the body responsible for planning: Wychavon District Council has that role. The PC is, however, contacted about all relevant planning applications and is entitled to comment. The Council’s comment counts for neither more nor less than any individual‘s comment, so it is VITAL that residents with opinions about planning make a representation themselves to Wychavon. We cannot over-emphasise this point!
The PC will make residents aware of applications it is consulted about through the usual communication channels. On occasions, at its discretion, the PC may seek to alert neighbouring residents to Planning Applications which might particularly affect them, especially when Wychavon do not send letters to such neighbours. This is NOT a duty of the PC and is done to assist residents. We cannot guarantee that all residents who consider themselves affected will be contacted: this is not an exact science. However, the first page of this website, where Planning Applications are flagged, is available to all. You can then search the documents either by following our link to Wychavon Planning or by going to and clicking on the link “search planning applications” on the left of the page. You then enter the application number (a recent one is 18/02644, an application for outline permission for one dwelling in High Street). You are then able to download documents to view on your computer or upload a comment of your own. Follow the instructions on the Wychavon page.
Documents can also be seen during office hours at the Wychavon offices in Pershore or at the Evesham Contact Centre in Abbey Road. It is possible to comment by post as well as online. The important thing is to make a comment if you have an opinion to express: your opinion matters!